Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day Twenty-Six: Seattle


Even though the room last night was pretty terrible, Tim and I were able to get some rest... as well as an early start on our day. By the way, did I mention that the sink was made of metal? Honestly, how long has it been since people stopped making those things out of metal and started using porcelain or any other material? A long time I'm sure. Anyway, so we hit the road around 8 am to head down to La Push. In case you were wondering, this is really an Indian reservation, and the tribe is really called the Quileute... just like in the Twilight series. Just so you all know, I am a fan of Twilight, but the only reason I went to see Forks and La Push is because we were already so close. If I never came anywhere near Washington I would never have gone out of my way to visit this place. And now that I have, let me tell you, I won't be going back. It's not terrible, but it's definitely not worth the time and money it costs to get and stay out there.
The beach at La Push was worth the short drive off of 101, and it was amusing to see how the community was playing up the whole Twilight thing. When entering the reservation we saw a sign that said "No Vampires Beyond this Point" and below that it read "TREATY LINE". If you have read the books, or I guess even seen the movies, you will know what that means. While on the res. we stopped at a small coffee stand (which are all over the place in Washington... similar to how common snowball stands are around Maryland) and just guess what it was called? Jacob's Java! There was even a huge cut out of the guy who plays Jacob in the movies on the front of the hut! We needed coffee anyway, so we stopped to get some... only I was a little afraid to get out of the car. Why, you ask? Only because a large black dog appeared outside my car door, pretty much out of the blue, and he just stood there staring at me. Eventually he looked away, so I got out and offered him my hand to sniff. He stuck his head under it to tell me he wanted to be petted, so I knew he was friendly. We got our coffee, and it was actually really good! Then we walked to the beach with our new doggie-friend, who's name turned out to be smokey. Once we got to looking around we noticed that there were as many dogs walking around the reservation as there were people. I joked that maybe they were people, only they were shape-shifters like the Quileute's in Twilight.After La Push, we made our way through 60 miles of wilderness to Port Angeles. It was a pretty big town and we could see Canada! Tim and I stopped and walked around for awhile. We walked through a mall (if you could even call it a mall), and decided to get some lunch.

--Quick P.S. to Brittany: I so wish I could have been there with you tonight at the Eclipse showing! Once I see it I will let you know so we can talk about it in more detail. SO JEALOUS! :-P

After we had our fill of the "Twilight Zone" we started towards Seattle, with a quick stop in Tacoma planned. The reason for the detour was so that we could visit with a friend of the family, John Atkinson. After trolling the mall while we waited for him to get off work, we visited with him for a few hours... catching up and chatting until about 6 pm when Tim and I began to get hungry. After many hugs (Mom, I got one for you too) we set off to check out the grand Space Needle of Seattle. Unfortunately, it costs a lot of money to go to the top so we didn't do it... but it was pretty cool to see it in real life none-the-less. On our way out of the city we decided we wanted to settle in early, so we stopped at the first Motel 6 we saw, and that is where we are now... filled with IHOP pancakes, clean, and happy to be on the home-stretch. Love and Miss you all!!!

Don't forget to bookmark our Picasa Web Album to see ALL of our pictures!

Love from somewhere outside of Seattle, WA!

1 comment:

  1. "Twlight Zone"...that was a good one. Well you are half way through your trip...we all miss you...be carefull and see you soon.

    Love You.
