Saturday, June 5, 2010

Day One: Mt. Vernon


So, today was the first step on our journey! Tim and I packed up the car and drove from my Dad's house in Pasadena, Maryland to my Aunt Patti and Uncle Bill's house in Alexandria, Virginia. The trip went well except for a minor run in with some road work and an unexpected detour. But we made it safe and sound, and ready to visit our first major attraction: Mt. Vernon!

This place is amazing! There is a wide array of interesting displays to look at, and you get to learn about the way things were back in the Colonial times. They basically have reestablished this beautiful piece of property that used to belong to George Washington, and made everything as close to what it was back when he lived there. Washington was many things to our country, and this place is a wonderful dedication to all the amazing things he accomplished in his life. In addition to seeing the grounds and gardens, we walked through the museum and watched a couple short films. One great thing was that we had Aunt Patti and Uncle Bill along to guide us and they had lots of great information that we wouldn't have had if we went on our own. They are both really involved with Mt. Vernon, and Uncle Bill could answer nearly any question Tim or I had; everything from what kind of ships Washington owned, to which of his horses was his favorite. It was a great experience that was especially significant to us because of the nature of our journey. Since we are going to be traveling across the country, it was really special for us to get a good look at how and where it all began!

After Mt. Vernon, we all went out to dinner at an Irish Pub downtown. Before going in, we walked around the boardwalk for a bit and watched some street performers. When it came time to eat, it didn't look like we were going to be able to get a seat... the wait was over an hour long! But we were seated in less than five minutes because the hostess was able to get us a seat on the outside balcony, which turned out to be really nice! The food was good and so was the company. Uncle Bill got to talking with a group of guys sitting next to us, and we all had a nice chat. After dinner we got dessert; Uncle Bill and I shared a Berry dish that was really yummy, while Tim and Aunt Patti got a S'mores dish that ended up being a real mess! Before heading "home" for the night, we did a little more sight seeing, and stopped in a candy shop where I found some chocolate covered Marzipan! This is one of my favorite chocolate bars, and it is incredibly hard to find! So of course, I had to get it!

All in all it was a wonderful day, full of fun, laughter, and excitement! And of course, for me at least, everything is always better when family is involved! But now it is time for us to get to bed so we can get an early start on Day Two. Next stop: Luray Caverns!

Mt. Vernon

Love from Alexandria, VA!


  1. I love Loray Caverns <3. Be sure to check out the fried eggs, the organ, and the scary-pure water pool that looks like a pit of nothingness.

  2. hey sis its britt...i just read ur needs help learning how to post a comment so this is really just a safe love u

  3. Hi Punkin.. Glad you had a great time with Aunt Patti and Uncle Bill. I love the history of Mt. Vernon also.

    Luray is beautiful, enjoy every minute.

    Have fun, be safe and call me.

    Love you guys so much!!!!!!Mom

  4. We had so much fun today! I'm still so nervous and excited! This trip is turning out to be so awesome!
