Saturday, June 12, 2010

Day Nine: Roswell

Greetings Earthlings!

We have come back from the past to update this blog. Actually, we are just in a different time zone, but from the looks of the terrain we might as well be on a different planet! Yesterday we rolled into Roswell after being on the road for a little over 7 hours. This drive was particularly interesting because we got to watch the surroundings change as we moved further West! Starting from the Eastern side of the pan handle there was still a good amount of green foliage and a whole lot of trees compared to what we were going to see later. Around the middle of the pan handle we began to notice that the environment resembled a more barren plain. There was still some green, but it was mostly from very short trees and shrubs. The land grew progressively more brown as we progressed, but the soil was beautiful in it's own way. On the Eastern shore we have mostly pale grayish-brown soil, and sand. Here, the ground is full of colors like deep red, gold, and the richest brown we have ever seen! Then we got into New Mexico... and we knew we were in a dessert. We looked left, we looked right, and all we saw was nothing! Well, except for the occasional oil field and a whole lot of cows. There were cows in Texas too of course.

Roswell is hundreds of miles from the middle of nowhere! There is nothing special about it, except for a museum about the Roswell incident. Most of Main Street is Alien themed, but the rest is just like any other town. Most of the alien-themed shops have closed down. Its a little different then we would have thought. We got to Roswell at around 5:45pm, and everything was closed! This is such a Republican state that almost all of the shops close at 5 (there was even a billboard on the way in that read, "Vote liberals out of power"). But we found a few shops that were still open, so we headed on in and bought a few souvenirs. We ate dinner at a local Mexican restaurant called Juana's. The Margaritas we got were delicious and were needed after such a long drive.

Although there were plenty of Motels and Hotels, we decided to rough it last night. There is a State park about 10 miles out of town called Bottomless Lakes. There, we pitched a tent for the night and slept under the stars! There were a lot of bugs, but thankfully the tent kept most of them out. We went to sleep pretty early- around 10 pm- and we woke up with the sun around 6:30 am! Overall it was a fun experience!

This morning, we wanted to find an alien-themed diner to eat at, but the one in town was closed down. So we went to an alien-themed McDonalds instead! Next stop: The Grand Canyon!

Wichita Falls to Roswell

Love from Roswell, NM!


  1. You paint such a good picture, I feel like I'm right there.

    Don't forget, if you go through Albuquerque. please take pictures so I can see where I was born.

    I love that you got to camp out last night.

    Have a great time at the Grand Canyon.

    Love from Glen Burnie.


  2. Hi Sweetheart and Tim,

    I just saw your photo bucket with your Mom and everything is super beautiful.

    Brings back memories.

    Have fun, Love You.

