Monday, June 28, 2010

Day Twenty-Five: Forks


Okay, let me just update you real quick so I can get to the real part of this post. We left Uncle Kirk and Aunt Linda's this afternoon, stopping to get some groceries and such before hitting the road. The first thing we did was head West to Cannon Beach which Uncle Kirk said we absolutely HAD to see. I have to admit, it was well worth the drive! We walked down to the beach and put our feet in the water! So we can officially say we have been in the Pacific Ocean! There were a lot of cool things about this beach, like the fine and compact sand and the little smooth rock that littered the water line in place of shells. However, the coolest thing about Cannon Beach was Haystack Rock! It was enormous! I wanted to swim out to it, but the water was freezing and I don't really thing we were allowed to be on it. It was really awesome looking from a distance though, so I was happy about just getting to see it. Before heading North we stopped to eat at Mo's, again at Uncle Kirk's recommendation. The food here was good, though their "famous" clam chowder was not what we were expecting. Unfortunately, our server was not very attentive and was very slow in getting around to us. But overall it was a great visit, and I am very glad we went.

We took 101 up the Oregon coast and went over this really neat bridge into Washington. We were going to check out this fort that Louis and Clark stayed at called Fort Clatsop, but it cost money just to get in and see it, so we drove past it. Driving along the coast of Washington was quite an experience! We saw these really strange trees that had huge bulbs on them... they looked like tumors! We went down to the beach here too and climbed on the rocks and deadwood there. We took pictures of the sun setting over the water... it was so pretty! Even after the "sun-set" though, it didn't get dark until after 10 pm! That surely never happens in Maryland!

But now for the most important part of this post. OH MY GOODNESS! We stopped in Forks (I know it's lame, but I just had to see it) and they had practically NO vacancies in any of the motels. All that was left was this tiny room at a place called the Town Motel. It's... just... EW! The carpet is this orange-like shaggy stuff that is damp and smells like mold. All the furniture looks like it's at least 50 years old... and it might be! The bathroom... ugh, don't get me started on the bathroom. I'll just have Tim take a picture and show you... I don't have words to describe how small and... just... wrong it is. The water in the shower was reversed, so that when I turned it to hot it was FREEZING. It took Tim and I about five minutes of running the water to try turning it to the cold side... which finally made the water hot... for some reason? At least the bed is sort of comfortable, and the sheets appear to be clean enough. Here's the kicker: how much do you suppose we paid for this crap-hole? Go on, guess? Give up...? We paid a whopping $66 including tax! I've stayed in a much nicer Motel 6 for under $40! Oh well. It's a place to sleep. So, that is what I am going to do now. Good night faithful readers!

Love from Forks, WA!

1 comment:

  1. HI,
    well i don't know what the deal is with Forks unless it has something to do with twilight...or is it that you just got to some Forks in the road...ha, ha.

    Well enjoy the trip, i am glad you got to highway 101...we all miss you and are enjoyiing your trip blog.

    love safe...
