Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day Ten: Arizona, Right Before The Grand Canyon


So, we haven't seen the Canyon yet. But we are going to today! This is just a quick post to let you know about our trip yesterday.

First off, I forgot to tell you that as we were driving out to Bottomless Lakes we saw a coyote running towards a group of cows. I was worried about the cows, but there was nothing I could do to save them, so we moved on. That was before we left Roswell however, so now I'm going to talk about our trip to Arizona.

After breakfast at the alien McDonald's, we began making our way towards Arizona. The surroundings got a little more green the further North we drove in New Mexico. We drove through Albuquerque but, sorry Mom, we didn't get out. We did get lots of pictures of the surrounding areas though. As the ground started to get more dry we began to see tumble weeds! I didn't get any pictures because they moved so fast, but one rolled right in front of our car! It was pretty cool. There were also a lot of trains, and being a train lover, Tim wanted to get a few pictures of them. Some of these trains were over two miles long, and there was one that was carrying a whole collection of Military vehicles. When we saw the land was taking on more reddish hues, we knew we were getting close to Arizona. In fact, as soon as we passed the Welcome to Arizona sign we were immediately greeted with a spectacular view of deep red hills and cliffs! We took tons of pictures, but none of them truly capture the beauty of the land out here. Plus, we will be overwhelmed with picture-taking material once we get to the Canyon today I'm sure. We did get an awesome picture of some cows that were chilling out right on the side of a road leading to the "biggest crater on Earth", which we wanted to see. It was $15 per person however, and they were about to close in 45 minutes, so we didn't get to see it. But the drive was scenic and taking a picture of a cow from less than 3 feet away was pretty neat.

Right now we are in Flagstaff, which is about an hour from the Canyon. We wanted to get a little closer, but everything out here was totally booked. It was even really difficult to get a room here because there is a dog show in town, as well as a gay pride convention, on top of the usual weekend tourism traffic. Every place we went was either booked or well over $100 for one bed! We finally ended up in a Quality Motel for a little under $80, which was pretty much as cheep as it was going to get. We got the last non-smoking room too! Now we are packing up (well, Tim is packing, I'm typing, lol) and we will be horseback riding in the Grand Canyon by 1 pm... or 4 pm Eastern Time. We can't wait!

Love from Flagstaff, AZ!

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