Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day Eighteen: California


So, a quick update for everyone. We caught our flight to California yesterday morning at 7:40, had a layover in Oakland, and got to Burbank a little before 11 am. The flight was smooth, and Tim and I really enjoyed the sights. We couldn't see much because there were a lot of clouds below us, but there is just something about seeing the ground from that high up. The few views we got of California from up high were amazing, which made us all the more happy that we ended up flying.

Heather and Kim picked us up at the Airport and took us all around LA! We had lunch in Malibu! I actually bought some make-up at the Malibu Country Market, which made me feel really rich. Even though the make-up didn't cost much more that it would have back home... and even then it was mostly because tax is 10% here! So, it wasn't that expensive, and now I can tell people that the foundation I use is the same brand that does the make-up for Glee! Anyway, as we drove, Heather and Kim pointed out tons of things to us that we would never have known without them! Things like, where the hot clubs and restaurants are that all the celebs go to, which famous people own certain businesses, and where we are most likely to run into star!

Speaking of running into a star... in Malibu they took us to this amazing cupcake shop (they were pretty as well as yummy) and there was this friendly lady who came in after us. I kept looking at her, because I thought she looked familiar (aka famous) but I didn't know, so I wasn't going to say anything. Plus, I was on hyper-alert for something like that, to the point that every tall blond lady looked like Cameron Diaz to me. Anyway, when Tim made a comment about the calories in the cupcakes I said "Vacation calories don't count, right?" and looked at her and her friend. She smiled and said, "sounds just about right to me". When we left the store Heather told me that she was Linda Hamilton (you know, Sarah Connor from the Terminator) and that she would probably be willing to get a picture with us! I was like "Oh my god, Linda Hamilton talked to me in a cupcake shop in Beverly Hills!" But then I pulled myself together. I took the camera, thinking I would just casually stroll up to her and start a conversation. She had her cupcake, so I was like "So, which one did you pick?" She just smiled, told me, and nodded when I said "yum". Then I had to do it... so I said " you look really familiar". Again she smiled, actually, bless her, I don't think she ever stopped smiling, and said simply "Actress". I verified that she was Sarah Connor in Terminator and then I just started babbling like a boy with a crush. Tim came up to us, finally, after making me do all the hard stuff, and her friend took a picture of the three of us. She was so nice, which I knew before I walked up to her just because of how she was in the cupcake shop. We chatted a bit, and it turns out she grew up in Salisbury! I told her that I graduated from Salisbury University and she was like "Really! Congratulations!" Before we go I tell her that I love her ring, which was a Sapphire, and of course we were both born in September! Even more strange, both her and Tim were born on September 26th! It was quite a coincidence! Anyway, we all wanted to get to our cupcakes, so she gave us both hugs and told us to have a great time in California and wished me luck with my acting (I told her that I wanted to be an actress when she asked what we came to California for). It was an awesome experience and one I will never forget!

After leaving Malibu, Heather drove us around downtown Beverly Hills and showed us a lot of the sights. We drove down Sunset Blvd and saw where all of the famous, rich people lived. Tim and I are going to be taking a tour later on a tour bus. We saw all of the famous, expensive shops on Rodeo Dr. Hollywood Blvd was full of people! We didn't get out and walk around because Heather had a Palates session at 5, but it was totally cool.

After our little tour, we were dropped off in West Hollywood because Heather had to work. We went to this great book store with many different scripts for plays. We walked around a bit and waited for Heather to come pick us up so we could go to dinner.

Dinner was in Venice Beach! It reminded us so much of Ocean City, except even more beautiful. We ate at an Italian restaurant where we ate good food and drank great wine! We were all pretty worn out after that and instead of walking around, we decided to go home.

Anyway, we have to get a move on. I'll update again soon!

Love from Sherman Oaks, California!