Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day Five: Nashville


Boy, I have a lot to update you all on. Let's start where we left off yesterday.

We got to Atlanta and decided to go to the Museum of Natural History. It was pretty interesting, especially the part where I almost died. What happened was, as Tim and I were walking out the door to go to the car I saw a large object fall from the sky and land about two feet away from me. What was this object you ask? Well, only a huge steel nail that was about a foot long! There were people working on the roof right above the door we exited from, and they dropped it just as I was coming out. At first I was just startled, but when I looked down and saw the pointy object that nearly fell on me I was quite terrified. Thank goodness it didn't hit me, but the closeness was disturbing. Anyway, aside from that little exhibit there were lots of other cool things to see at the museum, like the "Walk Through Time in Georgia" which gave a comprehensive look at what the environment was like in Georgia from before the time of the Dinosaurs. There was also a Gecko exhibit with live Gecko's which was really neat! Some of them were so cute, it made me want to get one as a pet.

After we left the museum we were faced with a decision: Go see another feature in Georgia, or leave for Tennessee and get a few hours of Nightlife in there. We went with option two. We have been getting into the Motels pretty late, and we wanted to get in a little earlier last night so we could settle down a bit before we hit the city. Let me tell you, I have no doubt we could have been in Nashville between 5 and 6 last night had it not been for all the traffic! On our way to Atlanta, as Tim was driving, we ran into traffic caused by a pretty bad accident that kept us tied up for over an hour! Then from Atlanta to Nashville, when I was driving, we hit more accident-related traffic which only lasted about 30 minutes. And even on our way back to the motel from our night on the town we got stuck in a backup due to the fact that they had 3 out of 4 of the lanes blocked off for what we can only assume was for roadwork. I slept though most of that, but Tim says we were there for about and hour. But I'm getting ahead of myself now. Let me tell you about our night!

Once we got to the motel we began getting ready to go out for some bar-hopping on Broadway! I didn't know there was a Broadway in Nashville, so I have to thank my Dad for that tip! We went to a few bars, listened to a few bands, and had a few drinks. Well, I only had one drink (an incredibly well-done Fuzzy Navel that was delicious) and Tim had two beers. We stopped to eat at a place that I don't remember the name of since we were just kind of popping in and out of places without really looking at the signs. I did take a minute to check out the record store my Uncle Bob suggested, Earnest Tub. We also stopped in a shop that had something to do with Elvis, and I got a bell for my collection there. I also got Daddy a guitar pick that says "Nashville" because I needed to be over $5 to use my card and the pick put me at $5.01. Thanks again, Dad! On our way back to the car we saw a few limo's and I wondered who was in them. There was one parked in the Hard Rock Cafe parking lot, and some women were taking picture with a man I did not recognize at all. I'm not sure he was famous, but we stopped and offered to take a picture for them so they could all get in with him at once. The man was friendly, and he had a bit of a Romanian accent, or something like it. Tim thought he was just the limo driver, but I wasn't so sure. I wish I had known who he was...

Anyway, we have to get going, as check-out is in 5 minutes. Tim will be on later to finish off this post and add pictures.

Atlanta And Nashville

Love from Nashville, TN!


  1. OMG Aftyn, that was scary. Did you guys spend today in Nashville as well or take off to your next destination?

    Can't wait to hear.


  2. You look so BEAUTIFUL in the picture with the boot Aftyn. Tim, you're ok too lol.

