Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day Thirty-Three: Home again, home again.

Well, sort of. Tim and I made it to Grandma and Grandpa's house in PA this morning around 5 am. It feels like it was yesterday though, because we went straight to sleep and didn't wake up until around noon. It was so sweet though, because our cousins Katarina and Samantha came down to wake us up... and it was apparently very difficult for them to wait until 12 pm to do so considering they were at the house by 8 am. It was a wonderful wake up call for me, but I am glad they waited.

Of course they had Tim and I in action as soon as our feet hit the floor. I hardly had time to use the restroom and brush my teeth before Kati had me at the dinning room table making crafts. In the meantime, Tim was occupied by Sami in an intense game of Hide-and-Seek. When it got time for me to eat breakfast (or at this point it was more like lunch) Kati informed me that she had already had breakfast and lunch. We managed to stay pretty active until Grandma got home from work at 3, at which point we decided to go to Uncle Bob and Aunt Jenn's to swim! Grandpa had to go golfing, but the girls, Grandma, Tim and I all went. Luckily I was able to get in a cup of coffee before we left!

I've been wanting to go swimming for a while now, so I was happy to finally get to indulge in that... even if there wasn't much swimming in it for me. Mostly I just acted as a portable hanging pole for Kati and Sami, but it was lots of fun anyway! Shortly after Bob and Jenn got home we all had a delicious pizza dinner on the patio. Tim and I created mini copies of ourselves on the Nintendo Wii before I put the girls to bed. They both must have been really tired, because I had no problem getting them to sleep. I must have been really tired too, because I had no problem falling asleep right next to Kati when I put her to bed. When Uncle Bob came to wake me up it took me a minute to realize where I was... and why. I joined them downstairs on the patio where we chatted for a bit before heading back to Grandma and Grandpa's house. And that is where we are now, clean and ready for bed.

So, before you all start getting sad at the thought that this is the end of my blog (because I know that would be so devastating for so many of you, lol) I want you to know that I plan to continue updating. I will probably give it a new title after a while, and my posts will likely be less often, but I'll still be here. What will I blog about you ask? I'm not really sure yet, but all I know is that this was and is a blog about my journey with Tim. And honestly, that journey isn't over yet. We are sure to have plenty of other adventures in our lifetime, and I hope to continue sharing them with you all. As for now, most of what I talk about is probably going to be job-hunting info and details about the plans for our upcoming wedding. But you will just have to wait and see, as no one knows what the future may hold...

Love from North Versailles, PA!

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